The Institute is the leading Ukrainian institution that explores the issues of economy cities. According to the decree of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine № 174 from 29.06.94. “About the development of economic and legal research of NAS of Ukraine” by the resolution of the bureau of the Department of Economics of NAS of Ukraine No. 3 dated 22.06.1994 city, the Scientific Council on economic and legal issues of development of cities in Ukraine was established at the Institute.
The main function of the Council is to coordinate the scientific research institutions, design institutes, educational institutions, city councils, regional and district administrations to solve organizational, legal and socio-economic problems of cities development in Ukraine.
In the framework of coordination activity was established the fruitful cooperation with the Association of Cities of Ukraine, profile committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine which was heading the scientific and methodical recommendations according to the results of scientific research.